Fee-Only Financial Planning / Advising in Kitchener Waterloo Cambridge - WD Development


Proper planning  makes managing change or choosing change easier.  Understanding where you are now, reflecting on where you want to be and what’s most important to you, and taking steps to your goals all increase the opportunities and decrease the stress associated with change.


How do you successfully manage or choose change in a relationship?  Couples that Work by Jennifer Petriglieri (published by Harvard Business Review Press) looks at the 3 transition phases of dual-career couples.  Her goal wasn’t just to look at the practicalities of having 2 careers in one relationship, it was also to look at the underlying causes of challenges and strategies that increased the odds of the relationship surviving and thriving.


Couples that Work doesn’t directly deal with finances in a relationship; the timing of the transition phases discussed in the book and when clients coming to me with questions, frustrations or adjustments to an existing plan is not a coincidence.


If you want your finances to support the decisions that you’re making in your career and relationships, you need a planner who lets you talk about how your career and relationships matter to you.

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Sara McCullough
July 24, 2024
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